The Community Peace Architecture Forum (C-PAF) platform is a local structure set up as part of the decentralization efforts of the PPBA. The platform provides opportunity for community stakeholders, particularly farmers and herders to come together and discuss emerging threats to peace and security in their communities with a view to encouraging them to find home grown solutions, as well as own the process in a manner that allows them mitigate conflict at its latent state before it escalates into major conflicts. It holds monthly in Riyom LGA for the Northern Senatorial District, Bokkos for the central and Shendam for the Southern Zone respectively.
For the month of June, potential issues of conflict in Richa, Josho and Gada Biu communities of Bokkos LGA; Wereng and Dawal communities of Riyom LGA and; Lakushi and Sabon Layi of Dorok Chiefdom in Shendam LGA bothering on crop destruction, cattle rustling and poisoned water sources for animals were discussed extensively.
The communities were allowed to come up with practical solutions that would address the persistent rift between the crop farmers and cattle breeders; we are beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel as far as conflict resolution and Peace building is concerned.
We are grateful to the German International Cooperation, GIZ for their support and the Plateau State government for the determination to consolidate the Peace we are currently enjoying across the state.