One of the areas of thematic focus for the Plateau Peacebuilding Agency is Peace Education. This unit exists in order to achieve the goal of the Agency by focusing on the strategic issues and achieving the objectives.
The Peace Education Unit designs and conducts training on mainstreaming social cohesion to staff of Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies. They also design and conduct sensitization to increase awareness and peaceful coexistence for towns, villages, wards or sub-communities. By carrying out strategically designed projects, they encourage non-violence and peaceful conflict resolution among youths.
Furthermore, they support civic education programs at the local level on a range of issues such as elections, policy, good governance principles in coordination with local authorities and /or civil society actors. They analyze the political, economic and social welfare factors affecting conflict and identify critical peacebuilding gaps at the state and regional levels.
Finally, they undertake projects that enhance understanding of the principle of local ownership and how this should be applied in civil affairs.
To read about Plateau Peacebuilding Agency’s thematic focus on Peace Education, click here. .