Office of the Executive Governor,
Plateau State.

...towards a Plateau at Peace with itself and the rest of the world.

Annika Malinowski is GIZ’s Development Advisor to PPBA

As an Agency, we enjoy rich relationships with a significant number of international and local partners. One of our invaluable relationships is with the German Development Agency, GIZ. GIZ Nigeria has its focus areas defined as rural development, sustainable infrastructure, security, reconstruction and peace, social development and economic development and employment. GIZ has an office in Jos where it focuses on strengthening capacities for peace and conflict resolution among farmers and herders in central Nigeria among other missions and objectives.

To this end, the organization has appointed Annika Malinowski to the Plateau Peace Building Agency as its development advisor with the core interest of strengthening capacity for peace building and conflict resolution.

Annika ‘s passion in Africa can be traced through her career beginning from her early roles in Kenya and Cameroon to her days as Programme Specialist for Latin America and West Africa. We have been taken in by Annika’s love for Plateau State. She has visited Mangu, Bassa and other Local Government Areas in Plateau State. She enjoys working at the Agency and says she finds the staff properly motivated, energetic and zealous for the task at hand.

She believes that the Agency can execute its mandate on building peace even more effectively if given the necessary support. She is happy to contribute her quota to building peace in Plateau State and we are glad to have her and GIZ on our team contributing to our growth and capacity in peacebuilding.